First, three pictures of the ziricote. Ziricote is super exotic, and feels very nice and fast with an oil finish. Super tough, which is why I'm using it as a neck. It's got chocolate-esqe swirls, with nice blond streaks as you go further out.

Next is the ebony. I only have one picture, but you can google more if you wish. This one picture shows to dark wood, with chocolate stripes as well as a purple stripe (It looks red, and it's on the right side). Sorry about the flash.

Now, I'm getting a bookmatched lacewood top for the guitar, and I got it custom made for me from a guy in North Carolina, or something. It hasn't arrived yet, but he emailed me pictures. Here's three. First is dry, second is slight un-dry (Not quite wet though) and the third is sprayed with some moisturiser that shows off the grains.

I have also started work on smoothing down all the wood I have, so I can start gluing it. Once everything else comes (all the hardware), I'll post pictures. Thanks for looking!
As usual, comments appreciated.